Simple Pleasures

Last Saturday we drove through the countryside. And at some point, the mix of the gorgeous view and relaxing music created that state of mind when you feel settled and complete. There was no need for hurrying anymore. All our worries somehow vanished and only warm and happy thoughts occupied our minds. We knew that this feeling will not last forever and wanted to stretch this moment and stay within it as long as possible.
Life is composed of tiny moments. Some of them are happy and some are not really. And it is up to us to decide which ones will prevail.
Like most of us, we collect images of the precious moments of our life. We post some of them here. This is our way of preserving good memories.
That day we brought home new treasures: new pictures, notes, food, and wine.
Simple food is the most delicious. And this time was no exception. The food we enjoyed that day reminded us of the amazing people we met at Port Perry Farmer’s Market, cheerful Julie from Carpe Diem and charming Antonio from Gallucci Winery.
Connecting with good people, enjoying a good food are simple pleasures we should appreciate.