Pluto. Issue #2 Presentation

On Saturday, November 25th, we attended the launch party of Issue #2 of Pluto magazine in Kensington Market.
Pluto is a submission-based monthly publication. Each issue features an interview with a Toronto artist and provides a print of their work. The remainder of the publication will change depending on the submissions. Along with each issue, an event is held. The event is determined by what the featured artist(s) wants to do. This could take the form of a gallery show, a workshop, a talk, a curated pop-up or a dance party.
This time, the event was featuring young Toronto artisans. We purchased two very cute prints along with the magazine.
The objective of this project is to make art accessible through price point and speak to the work that’s coming out of Toronto. It’s all about giving artists the tools that they need to show their work and making sure there’s an audience.
The publication is run by Kris, a former OCADu student.
Submissions for an interview feature and secondary feature are always open. If the project interests you, shoot Kris an email at [email protected]. You can also purchase Pluto Issue #1 and # 2 online.