Burnham Family Farm Market

Canada Day weekend was scorching hot, so we decided not to travel too far from the comfort of our home’s A/C. This time we decided to visit the Burnham Family farm which is located between Port Hope and Cobourg on County Road 2.
We left early trying not to get stuck in the long weekend traffic. After fourty minutes of driving on 401, we took the exit toward Port Hope. In another few minutes, we parked our car at the entrance of the store.
Right away, our attention was caught by the very pleasant view of strawberries, lots of strawberries were displayed outside of the store.
Inside, we found a variety of fresh produce including sweet peas, leafy greens, kohlrabi, broccoli, onions, garlic scapes and a great selection of preserves.
But the most enjoyable part of our visit was, of course, bakery. Pies of different sizes with different fillings along with other sweet goodies make your chance to leave the store emptyhanded close to zero
My weakness has always been and always will be – bread. I never can leave a bakery without a loaf of bread. And normally, I would start eating it once I’m out of the store. A huge chunk (that’s right, chunk not slice) of this warm and fragrant goodness would be consumed with great pleasure before I get in the car. Since childhood, I’ve been a big fan of good bread, so was my mom, so are my children.
And this time, I couldn’t just simply pack the bread in the trunk. I had to break off a “small” just-to-try piece. No regrets. I have a feeling this is a destiny – bread and I are meant to be together.
Burnham Family Farm Market
Address: 7760 County 2 Rd, Cobourg, ON K9A 4J7
Cobourg, ON K9A 4J7, Canada